

1. 構成を考える


  • イントロダクション (Introduction):聴衆の興味を引き、スピーチのテーマを紹介する部分です。
  • ボディ (Body):スピーチのメインとなる部分です。ここでは、自分の意見や主張を論理的に展開していきます。
  • コンクルージョン (Conclusion):スピーチのまとめと、聴衆へのメッセージを伝える部分です。


  • イントロダクション:全体の10%程度
  • ボディ:全体の70%程度
  • コンクルージョン:全体の20%程度

2. 内容を整理する


  • テーマ: 何について話すのかを明確にします。
  • 目的: スピーチを通して何を伝えたいのかを明確にします。
  • ターゲット: 誰に向けて話すのかを想定します。

3. 原稿を書く


  • イントロダクション: ユーモアのある質問やエピソード、興味を引く統計データなどを用いて、聴衆の興味を引きつけましょう。
  • ボディ: 1つの論点につき1段落を目安に、論理的に話を展開していきます。具体例やデータを盛り込むと説得力が増します。
  • コンクルージョン: スピーチの内容を簡潔にまとめ、聴衆に行動を促したり、印象に残るメッセージを伝えたりしましょう。

4. 練習する


  • 時間配分を確認する
  • スムーズに話せるように練習する
  • ジェスチャーや表情も意識する

5. 推敲する


  • 冗長な部分は削除する
  • 難しい表現は言い換える
  • 聞き手に伝わりやすい表現にする

6. 原稿を完成させる



  • 聴衆の年齢やレベルに合わせて、言葉遣いや内容を調整する必要があります。
  • 視覚資料を用いると、より効果的にスピーチすることができます。
  • 自信を持って、笑顔で話すことが大切です。

英語スピーチ 例文 / 大学発表論文

論文テーマ「ダイエットと拒食症の相関性について / The Correlation about diet and anorexia」


I’m 〇〇 from ●●. Today, I want to talk about “The Correlation about diet and anorexia”.


Every woman might have naturally wished to “be thinner or more slim”. And many of them may have tried some kind of diet. Of course, I’m not the exception. However, I had a very scary experience with diet. It was that because of an extreme diet restriction, my body rejected any food. When I think back now, I think I was at the verge of anorexia. So, with my own experience, I want to talk about why diet causes anorexia and how scary anorexia is.


The first thing we imagine for diet is diet restriction. Stop eating snacks, reduce quantity of meal or just skip meal…. The reason many try diet with diet restriction is that not eating is the most simple and certain way to get thinner. Generally, if we don’t eat anything for a day, we lose about 1 kg. So people who want to get thin believe that they can “get thin by not eating”. And this is the most dangerous error in diet.


What is dangerous here is that, once we lose certain weight by not eating, even though we did get thin, we can no longer stop the desire to “become even more thin”. I felt exactly in such way that however thin I became, I felt “I’m still fat” and couldn’t recognize that I was already too thin. I think this is the catalyst of anorexia. Since we became thin by not eating, the scheme of “eating=getting fat” is fixed in our head. It extremely increases the feeling of guilt to eat and the fear to get fat. That will make us throw up forcibly after eating or use purgative in order to get rid of what we’ve ate. At first, we force ourselves to egest but soon the body will react by its own and we automatically throw up after eating. This is anorexia.


Also, when we restrict diet for a long time, it is said that the brain will become dull to hunger. In that case, stomach is no longer used often and becomes smaller so when there is food, it tries to get it out. That is to say, not only our belief think “eating=get fat” but our body actually refuses food.


Anorexia, officially called “anorexia nervosa”, is a disease categorized into eating disorder. Its characteristic is that not only the quantity of intake reduces but also there are serious side-effects both mentally and physically. Since the patients can’t intake necessary nutrition to live on, it may cause various mental symptoms such as anemia, less concentration, depression, anxiety, irritation, and physical symptoms such as low body temperature, amenorrhea, arrhythmia and osteoporosis. When it becomes more serious, it can cause infection by low nutrition whose death rate is 6 to 7 %. With such high death rate, it is clear that this disease is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly.


Of course, diet is not the only cause of anorexia and not all who did diet restriction become anorexia. However, I believe it is certain that extreme diet can trigger anorexia. In today’s society where thin women are praised as beautiful, it might be natural to think that being thin is the symbol of beauty. However, when I think back and imagine if I continued the life not eating, I might have ended up being anorexia and that makes me feel scary. It is important not to take it lightly as it’s just a diet but understand well how dangerous it is to get thin without eating and how large the damage of anorexia both mentally and physically. If you can find the way of diet that suits you, you can get the true beauty you believe in.

Thank you for listening.